High-accuracy GPS data collection


As-Built GIS is a small company operating in Southern Ontario, Canada. We offer solutions for everything surrounding GPS point collection and digital mapping for a broad range of fields.

Whether you’re involved with Telecommunications, Hydro, Gas, Water, or Sewer we have you covered! We send our trained technicians in to the field to collect data points on your infrastructure.

Each data point includes as little, or as much information as you require. Our GIS team reviews the data with you to ensure all necessary information is captured in the field, and provides your company with a map of the data collected. This map can be utilized with any smart phone or laptop with internet access, and can be used to GPS your staff directly to a specific plant.

Our clientele includes utility infrastructure owners, municipal infrastructure owners, general construction planning, permit acquisition, and any application where a precise location can benefit you!

Check out our services page to see if As-Built GIS can assist you with your construction projects.

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